Finishing School for the 21st Century
Finishing School for the 21st Century
Finishing School for the 21st Century
Sophistication, Confidence and Global Competency!
This program is a world-class experience that will give you the core principles and unsurpassed knowledge that will allow you to be a global sophisticate whether in London, New York or Dubai!
Our mission is to integrate the principles of traditional Finishing Schools with what is expected in contemporary international high-tier society. Gender roles have changed enormously and our goal is to empower you to utilize all your strengths in the best possible way; from hosting international delegations to handling fundraising galas and everything in between.
Five-Day Program:
[tabset style=”vertical”] [tab title=”DAY 1 – MODULE #1” active=”yes”]
- Create a powerful profile to convey the image that best represents YOU!
- Poise and presence
- The art of introductions
- International greetings
- Titles and forms of address
- The meaning of gestures
- Elocution, speech patterns and tone of voice
- Awareness of the messages emitted by your body language
- Converse like a diplomat
- Media image, including on-line image
- Nuances of male and female communication styles
- It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it!
- Social Media do’s and taboos
- Effective correspondence[/tab][tab title=”DAY 2 – MODULE # 2” active=”no”]

- Logistics of orchestrating high-tier events
- Invitations – Choosing your Stationary Wardrobe
- Cultural fundamentals when hosting international dignitaries
- Table decor
- Supervision of caterers/House Staff/Place Settings/Floral Arrangements[/tab][tab title=”DAY 3 – MODULE #3” active=”no”]
- Arrival of the guests and appropriate ceremonies
- Hotel/Security briefings
- The order of introductions
- Receiving lines and order of precedence
- Seating arrangements
- Flag protocol[/tab][tab title=”DAY 4 – MODULE # 4” active=”no”]

- International forms of dining – American/European/Asian
- Compiling menus and guest lists
- Various utensil usage
- Being a wine connoisseur
- When you are the Master of Ceremonies – Introducing honored guests
- Diplomatic toasts
- Choosing the perfect gift[/tab][tab title=”DAY 5 – MODULE #5” active=”no”]
- Cocktail parties and fundraising events
- Style and understated elegance
- Arranging a superb Afternoon Tea event
- Art and culture appreciation
- Leisure activities-Equestrian Pursuits/Tennis/Golf[/tab] [/tabset]
[one_half][content_box style=”cool-blue” title=”Format”]
Confidential hourly sessions – 36 Hourly Sessions which can be configured to fit your busy lifestyle
Five-Day intensive program presented in the Fall, Winter and Spring
[content_box style=”royal-blue” title=”Five-Day Program Includes”]
Illustrated Workbook, on-site visits where applicable, elegant formal dinner, refreshments and Certification of Attendance
Not included:
- Transportation from the airport to hotel
- Hotel accommodations
- Lunch and dinner (exceptions: Elegant European Formal Dinner and Asian Luncheon)
[content_box style=”lime-green” title=”Who should attend”]
- Individuals who wish to interact seamlessly in a global, sophisticated society
- Companies/Organizations initiating business internationally
- Embassy/Consulate representatives
- Government and political representatives
- Those whom you are grooming for a higher position in your company
- Event planners
- Relocation experts
- Entrepreneurs/Consultants
- College graduates