Everyone needs an introduction!
“Our Speaker needs NO introduction!”
When introducing a Speaker, it is rarely a good idea (with the exception of introducing world-renowned leaders whom everyone knows) to miss the opportunity to showcase the Speaker’s credentials by saying: “Our Speaker needs no introduction!” This introduction does not make either the Speaker or you, the Introducer, look competent. Toastmasters International recommends the following formula using the acronym: T.I.S.:
T – Topic – Give a brief overview of the topic.
I – Importance – Talk about how important the topic is to the audience.
S – Speaker – Finally, mention the Speaker’s name…”Please welcome…”
Three main points to remember:
Mention the Speaker’s name last as the audience will remember it.
A Speaker does not wear a Name Tag as the Introducer should do an a good job in adequately introducing him/her.
As the Introducer, do not ramble on, make it succinct and powerful and don’t give the speech for the Speaker!
If you (like millions of others) are likely to run the other way when asked to present a Speaker or make a presentation, Toastmasters International is a world-renowned organization where you will learn the art of speaking in a positive environment.
Based in San Diego since 1989, the International Protocol Institute has designed hundreds of programs for top U.S. corporations, organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals. Let us customize the program that meets your specific requirements to support and advance your business development goals.
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